April 25, 2009

Found freedom

Freedom is a Wheel in Your Sole
Freedom Is Not Free
Freedom Is Slavery
Freedom is a prepaid wireless service
Freedom is never an achieved state; like electricity
Freedom Is Theirs to Spread?
Freedom is Ageless
Freedom Is Not a Doctrine
Freedom is not America's gift to the world
Freedom Is History (and Vice Versa)
Freedom is a dead letter
Freedom is a global issue
Freedom is when the people can speak
Freedom is not free
Freedom is a State of Mind
Freedom is indivisible
Freedom is a solitary decision
Freedom Is Not Enough
Freedom is the birthright and deep desire of every human soul
Freedom is untidy
Freedom is More powerful than a Budget
Freedom is opposed to software patents
Freedom is the permanent hope of mankind
Freedom is the right of adults and parents to choose what they eat
Freedom is messy
Freedom is a basic human right recognized by the United Nations
Freedom is belonging
Freedom Is Honesty
Freedom is the foundation of US economic strength
Freedom is Good for Everyone
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Freedom Is coming to a Windows Box near You
Freedom Is the Only Realistic Path to Security
Freedom is never given
Freedom Is On the March
Freedom Is My Goal
Freedom is an issue of responsibility
Freedom is put at risk
Freedom is eternal vigilance
Freedom is the Enemy
Freedom is a breakfast food
Freedom is Better
Freedom is the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction
Freedom is Overrated
Freedom is key for society’s progress and energy
Freedom is universal
Freedom is on the Rise
Freedom is at stake
Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Freedom is likely to continue
Freedom is nothing to laugh at
Freedom is priceless, but has a cost
Freedom Is Good for Women
Freedom is just days away

1 comment:

floots said...

as you imply
freedom is a contradiction
means everything
the most important one is